Thursday, October 21, 2010

Clean the f'n counter!

I imagine this being covered completely with ants when I'm gone on my two-week vacation. I may need to have my twin visit to see what the place looks like when I'm not even in the country!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Why is refilling the water one of the most difficult tasks for my husband to do?

I woke up this morning to find the nearly empty water pitcher thingy perched atop the counter a mere few inches away from the sink.

This is not uncommon. It's just usually still inSIDE the fridge. So this is a step in the right direction. I guess.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Who Cares About Safety?!

Apparently not my husband!

I found this on the table last night. I gave him until this morning to see if he'd put it back up to ensure my safety in our home- which is where I also work.

No such luck.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Boxer Short Alley

Sometimes shoe alley gets overridden by boxer short alley.

Distance to hamper? Five steps east.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Emptying the Dishwasher

From Joan in Chicago: So, my husband does the dishes if I cook, and vice versa. Yesterday, I cooked. Really cooked, not some frozen pizza. Well, he unloaded the dishwasher and instead of putting the dishes away, he thought they would be just fine on the table. I suppose it makes setting the table easier? Notice the dishwasher is right behind the table. Suspicious. The cabinet it at least nine steps away.

Molly's Note: I love that the husband doesn't put dishes away as if he was a maid or visitor who doesn't know where the dishes belong! Classic.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


We have a deal. I clean, basically everything in our home, and the husband is responsible for taking out the trash and brushing the dog. And yet, both need to be done with reminders. (I promise I don't suck to live with!).

While I appreciate my husband taking out the trash, is it really too much to ask for him to replace the trash bag and put the liner back into the trash can?