Thursday, December 27, 2012

Toilet Paper Part Four

I've attempted over the years to truly make things easier to avoid having to post on this blog.

Even though this is highly entertaining to keep up with...

Like, putting the toilet paper right out in plain sight to make things painfully easy to replace.

Not working.

Must come up with a new strategy.

Part One
Part Two
Part Three

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

A Few Sizes Too Small

I suppose along the same lines of a previous post, I'm sensing a fresh pattern starting here.

I'm thinking, but I could be wrong, that this onion would actually stay fresher, longer, if it were put in a baggie (or Tupperware- God forbid!) that could actually close.

Just a thought.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Where's the Tupperware?

I've invested in a lot of great glass Tupperware over the past year and husband seems to be really resistant to using it.

Which isn't even my biggest beef with this photo.
1. Is that amount of parsley really helpful to anyone?
2. Uncovered and placed in the it really going to be of use to anyone after a few hours? 

Let it go.
It's okay to toss that little bit of parsley. 

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Close the Damn Door, Will Ya?

It's been a little quiet here on the blog. But I'd venture a guess that it has more to do with my travel schedule and not being home, more than it has to do with any improvements around these parts :)

My husband has a great habit of leaving every cabinet door he uses open. It's a skill. Of what use? I'm not entirely sure.

I'm surprised this is the first time I've photographed this. In fact, I'm sure it's not. Must look into that...

PS- I totally spy an empty box of tissues there too. Guess who used the last one? 

Sunday, November 25, 2012

iPad goes for a Swim

We have something in our house called the fun box. You can drag your mind right on outta the gutter and join me back here. Right now. On this page.

The fun box has mainly been used to house Steve's wetsuit, booties and hoodie (he's a baby about being cold and while surfing is no exception). One time each year, it's dragged out, washed out, and then we may brine our turkey in there. (I know. This is sounding grosser with each passing word, but just stick with me). When the brining is all done, I take the fun box, empty its contents down the kitchen drain, fill it up with a few pumps of dish soap and then bring it to the bathroom to fill it up with super hot water and let it soak in the tub until I'm ready to clean it out again.

On Thursday I got distracted. What with making an entire Thanksgiving dinner and all. So it stayed in the tub overnight. And on Friday evening, at my mother's disapproving look of our pot holders that were a little too stained for her liking, I emptied the fun box from the brine-soak and filled it back up with hot water and some laundry detergent. I dropped in the pot holders and some cloth napkins to let them soak overnight.

While the rest of us were off wine tasting on Saturday, Steve-o stayed behind to work out, hang with Clancy and do a load of laundry. He remembered to take the items that were soaking overnight, without my needing to send a text with instructions, which was a huge victory in my book. But neglected to empty the container. Which doesn't sound like a really big deal and definitely sounds like me being entirely too picky (which I am- I have no problem admitting that).

Like I said. Not that big of a problem.

Until this afternoon.

I came upon the still full of yucky-once-soapy water bucket inside the tub and decided it was time to empty  it out only to find, much to my surprise, our iPad sitting at the bottom. I don't know how long it was submerged in water. Long enough for me to watch water slosh back and forth INSIDE the screen and realize it was never coming back to us.

I brought it out to Steve, explained that we have two iPhones and two laptops and we were just going to have to be okay with losing the iPad.

You may be wondering how in God's name the iPad ended up in the fun box. What you can't see in the photo below is where the toilet is. But. If you're the Irish rubber ducky below, the toilet is to your left. And that ledge that the Irish rubber ducky is starting at, is a perfect resting place for the iPad when you're done hanging out in the bathroom. Well perfect for some people whose name starts with Steve and ends in -o.

For the sake of the photo, below you'll see a fun box void of any water. But you'll see a very sad no-longer-working iPad that went for a lovely swim today.

It's hard to know just how my husband will top this one, but I look forward to seeing just how he's able to accomplish that.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Paper Towels Part 5

I'm thinking at this point that the whole paper towel used as a napkin being left with the rest of the clean paper towels is just something I'm going to have to live with around here.

Which is fine.

But it doesn't mean I'll ever stop photographing it!

I'm thinking this one was avocado, but I can't be sure.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Discarded Laundry

You may recall I recently photographed my husband's "earthquake preparedness" excuse for leaving his clothes, etc. right outside his closet door (where these things can happily live away from my critical eye).

It's not getting any better.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Problems with Produce- Tomatoes

Our friends have been growing their own produce and when we see them, we're left with bags full of wonderful produce. The husband always takes more than we can use and assures me that he'll be using it and gets mad before I've even done anything, making me promise not to throw anything out.

Below is a perfect photo of what typically happens after I make my promise and he assures me that he'll use things before they go bad.

I always wonder when I see shit like this...does he really not think this is a problem? Or does he just not see this? I have no clue what was oozing outta this tomato, but I promptly tossed it in the trash and of course got scolded for doing so.

"What happened to my tomatoes?"
"You'll see it on the blog."

When I showed the husband this photo he said, "The one behind it looks good. Did you throw that one out too?"

Can't win over here, people!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Problems with Produce- Bell Pepper

The husband and I are splitting up the chores and we're running into some problems with produce that he selects. I went to make breakfast this morning and this was the pepper I had to choose from. Thanks, but no thanks!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Dining Room Table Dumping Ground

We've run into issues before in this household with things ending up on the table we eat on that just really should never be there. You know. Like ear plugs (gag).

But lately.

When Steve gets home from work (he's been a good teacher and has been going in early to set-up his new classroom). He dumps everything on the dining room table and goes about his business.

Like his clothing.
And his backpack that's older than I am.

Lord only knows where that thing has been.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Earthquake Preparedness

Steve and I have the same argument every time I see his clothing left like the photo displays below.

Which is basically every. single day.

And each time he says, "I'm always ready for an earthquake."

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Ear Plugs

Never ever ever ever belong on a table where you eat.


I mean...honestly.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Butter Dish...Sans Butter

These are the kinds of things I stumble upon that just make me laugh...and grab my iPhone to take photographic evidence that my roommate really does this kind of stuff.

It's pretty awesome and pretty much why this blog exists.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Paper Towels Part 4

Paper towels are a recurring theme on the blog. Evidence hereherehere and now below:

I've accepted that this is just something we're going to struggle with unless we get a new paper towel holder...

Can o' Beans

This is one way to ensure the beans do not have a very long shelf life- pun intended. Please note we have plenty of Tupperware, saran wrap, aluminium foil- take your pick- to make sure this is properly stored in the refrigerator to ensure the beans can actually be used again. 

But why use any of that crazy stuff when you can just do this:

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Self-Submitted from the Husband

I just got done sharing with the Husband that I started this blog back up again. He actually almost choked from laughing so hard when he saw this post.

And then I just got an email from him titled "For your collection" with this picture

How bad can you feel for him when he's submitting his own work?!

Toilet Paper Goes Weeeeeeee!

Toilet paper is a recurring theme around married(ish) roommates. Just see this and this. And now see this:

I'm trying to imagine what has to happen in someone's head for the toilet paper to get this outta control.

Who Needs a Smoke Detector?

Clearly eliminating the annoying beeping, interrupting the husband's reading and relaxing during his three-week vacation, caused by the battery going out of the smoke alarm, is more important than our safety.

And holy crap! This is a pattern. While going thru the archives, I found a similar post from 10/14/2010. My grandfather would be appalled!