Saturday, April 28, 2012

Butter Dish...Sans Butter

These are the kinds of things I stumble upon that just make me laugh...and grab my iPhone to take photographic evidence that my roommate really does this kind of stuff.

It's pretty awesome and pretty much why this blog exists.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Paper Towels Part 4

Paper towels are a recurring theme on the blog. Evidence hereherehere and now below:

I've accepted that this is just something we're going to struggle with unless we get a new paper towel holder...

Can o' Beans

This is one way to ensure the beans do not have a very long shelf life- pun intended. Please note we have plenty of Tupperware, saran wrap, aluminium foil- take your pick- to make sure this is properly stored in the refrigerator to ensure the beans can actually be used again. 

But why use any of that crazy stuff when you can just do this: