Monday, June 21, 2010

Plastic Bags Galore

Plastic bag explosion. Not to be confused with the napkin explosion.

Leftover Cards

From Joann in The Valley: At the bottom of the pile of junk on his dresser - a Father's Day card. From LAST YEAR. This year's card hasn't even made it to the junk pile yet. It's in the pre-junk pile staging area, otherwise known as the piano.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Sink Drain

From Michelle in San Francisco: Unfortunately you can't see the extent of the crap in the drain....

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Apparently the husband is running out of all sorts of things right now. Because when I walked into the bathroom this morning, this perfectly empty container of floss was sitting on the counter- again, a mere foot away from the trash can.

Monday, June 14, 2010


I'm sure even if we had that contraption that gets every last bit of toothpaste out of the tube, there would still be absolutely nothing left to use. And yet, instead of ending up in the remained on the counter, a mere one foot away from the trash.

PS- Don't even get me started on why he's using a travel size toothpaste when we have a full tube of toothpaste ready and waiting to be used.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Recycle Bin

I will admit that our recycle bin is a little tiny. Regardless, I love my husband's habit of putting things not inside the pathetic, tiny excuse of a recycle bin, but instead, directly on top of it and beside it.